3 Ways to Add Great Talent FAST

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HOLY COW – the unemployment rate just keeps falling! It fell yet again in May, to 3.8%, down from 3.9% in April. I know these are just numbers, but it is significant to note that it was just back in October 2009 when the rate hit 10%!

If you’re like a lot of companies out there, you’re looking to backfill open positions or you need to capitalize on business growth opportunities by beefing up your bench. And WOW is it tough right now to find talent to fill these positions. I’ve spoken to business leaders who have had roles open for months – in some case for more than a year! For these frustrated leaders, not much seems to be working to attract needed new employees.

So what’s wrong with your recruiting strategy? Maybe you’re looking in the wrong place. And maybe, just maybe, you’re going about it in a way that doesn’t take into account today’s “Gig” economy.

I know of lots of GREAT and EXPERIENCED folks out there who are happy to come in and work with you…. just not as typical W2 employees. These highly capable, talented individuals like the flexibility of being self-employed and are happy to work for you as needed.

How do you find these people?

Here are three things you can start doing TODAY to help you get the talent you need on your team. (And you might be surprised that getting this talent is easier than you think – you just need to change your approach.)

1. Write job ads that encourages them to apply
If you’re writing ads that DEMAND full-time work – and include in the description a laundry list of “to-do” items – then you’re losing this audience completely. Instead, try running two different ads – one for full time work, and one for either temporary or even fractional support. You’ll find this latter group of people will come with a ton of experience and will need little time to get up and running, while you then have the luxury of taking more time to find the perfect long-term candidate.

2. Join local professional organizations
Every metropolitan area has professional organizations that are chock full of people that have had years of experience, just like you need. In Philadelphia, an outstanding organization known as Beacon has 1,100+ members, all highly qualified and ready to put those talents to work for you. Attend an event at a well-respected professional organization in your area – and then ask the leadership of the group how you can advertise to their members.

3. Do strategic LinkedIn searches
Today, over 450 million people use LinkedIn. Most all LinkedIn users who are part of the “Gig” economy use it to advertise their abilities. Take advantage of this information that is readily available – try a simple key word search in your local area, and don’t dismiss the experienced candidates as fast as you would otherwise. You might find that these highly qualified individuals will do more than you can ever hope for your company – and likely much more than someone you find on the open market can do for you.

Are you finding success in hiring employees using methods like I describe above? Or have you found other effective ways to fill open roles? I’d like to hear about it – it truly is a unique time right now in the business world with this crazy low unemployment rate.

Reach out to me and let’s talk more about it. Bill Morrow – Managing Partner – 610-310-6707 bmorrow@thinkempirical.com.