Unearthing the Hidden Gem: Bringing Sales and Marketing Together

Imagine this: your company is on a winning streak, smashing targets left and right, raking in revenue.

Sounds great, right?

But what if I told you there’s a hidden gem, often overlooked, that could pump up your profits by an extra 10-20%? The secret sauce? It’s getting your sales and marketing teams to sing from the same song sheet.

Now, I’ve been around the block a few times—over two decades in Revenue Operations, consulting with everyone from scrappy startups to behemoth corporations. And let me tell you, the magic happens when sales and marketing stop working in silos and start working as a team.

It’s not just about passing the lead baton from marketing to sales anymore, it’s about both teams locking arms, sharing goals, and marching towards customer growth and retention together. Sure, achieving perfect harmony sounds like a tall order, but even small steps towards it can have big payoffs. The numbers back this up: a 2023 Gartner survey shows aligned teams are three times more likely to knock their new customer acquisition targets out of the park.

Beyond the Tech Stack

You might be thinking, “But hey, we’ve got the latest and greatest tech—surely that’s got us covered?” Well, here’s a wake-up call: no matter how flashy your tech stack is (even with all the bells and whistles of Generative AI), it can’t fix the fundamentally human challenge at the heart of this. Sales and marketing teams often have different targets, different measures of success, and heck, sometimes even different cultures. This isn’t a puzzle you can solve with just better tech integration or slick reporting. What’s needed is a real effort to build bridges and foster collaboration at a human level.

Let’s Talk Tactics

So, how can companies actually get these two critical teams to play nice? Here are some hands-on strategies:

  1. Set Common Goals: Kick things off by defining clear, shared objectives. Whether it’s revenue targets, conversion rates, or customer retention, make sure both sales and marketing are aiming for the same targets. I’m a big fan of using OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to get everyone on the same page, and tying them into compensation plans doesn’t hurt either. It’s about giving both teams a shared vision and showing them how their contributions fit into the bigger picture.
  2. Keep the Lines Open: Regular, structured catch-ups are key. Whether it’s joint meetings, shared digital spaces, or cross-functional updates, make sure there’s a steady flow of communication. It’s all about keeping everyone in the loop on market trends, lead quality, campaign results, and customer feedback. Transparency and mutual respect go a long way here.
  3. Map Out the Customer Journey Together: This one’s crucial. Both teams need to collaborate on understanding the customer journey from awareness through to renewal. We are talking beyond what is a Lead, MQL, SQL, SQO, etc.  Figuring out the touchpoints, channels, and messaging that influence customer decisions at each stage ensures a seamless and personalized experience.
  4. Embrace Technology That Connects: As a system integration solution provider we can say that yes, technology does play a role, but as a connector, not a fix-all. CRM systems, marketing automation, and analytics tools are essential for giving both teams a bird’s-eye view of what’s working and what’s not, in real time.
  5. Learn From Each Other: Lastly, cross-team training and development can work wonders. I’ve set up programs where sales and marketing folks get a peek into each other’s worlds through workshops, cross-training, and even job shadowing. It’s about building empathy, tearing down silos, and fostering a spirit of cooperation. Want to be a BDR for a day?

Rivalry to Alliance

Once upon a time, sales and marketing might have looked at each other across the boardroom like rival factions. But those days are fading. Marketing’s role in generating leads and nurturing them has become indispensable to the sales pipeline. In many of the mid-market firms I’ve worked with, marketing-generated leads now account for a hefty slice of the sales funnel—anywhere from 40% to 80%.

Bottom Line, But Make It Sparkle

In today’s business world, getting sales and marketing to move in lockstep isn’t just nice to have; it’s downright critical. This isn’t just about smoothing out operational kinks; it’s about achieving a unified front to conquer your business goals. And let’s not forget, at the end of the day, your business is made up of people aiming to achieve something great together. By nurturing a culture where sales and marketing respect and collaborate with each other, you’re not just boosting your bottom line—you’re building a stronger, more resilient business ready to face whatever comes its way.

Want to talk more about how to better align marketing with sales? Our team is ready to chat more about how to tap into this secret sauce and boost your profitability.

Reach us via email at hello@thinkempirical.com, or give us a call (610) 994-1139.

This blog was penned by Ajay Joshi, Empirical’s RevOps Partner. Be sure to connect with Ajay on LinkedIn.